C++ SOTA Client
This is the complete list of members for Crypto, including all inherited members.
ED25519Sign(const std::string &private_key, const std::string &message) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
ED25519Verify(const std::string &public_key, const std::string &signature, const std::string &message) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
extractSubjectCN(const std::string &cert) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
generateCert(const int rsa_bits, const int cert_days, const std::string &cert_c, const std::string &cert_st, const std::string &cert_o, const std::string &cert_cn, bool self_sign=false) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
generateEDKeyPair(std::string *public_key, std::string *private_key) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
generateKeyPair(KeyType key_type, std::string *public_key, std::string *private_key) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
generateRSAKeyPair(KeyType key_type, std::string *public_key, std::string *private_key) | Crypto | static |
generateRSAKeyPairEVP(KeyType key_type) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
generateRSAKeyPairEVP(const int bits) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
IdentifyRSAKeyType(const std::string &public_key_pem) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
IsRsaKeyType(KeyType type) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
parseP12(BIO *p12_bio, const std::string &p12_password, std::string *out_pkey, std::string *out_cert, std::string *out_ca) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
RSAPSSSign(ENGINE *engine, const std::string &private_key, const std::string &message) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
RSAPSSVerify(const std::string &public_key, const std::string &signature, const std::string &message) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
serializeCert(std::string *pkey, std::string *cert, X509 *const certificate) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
sha256digest(const std::string &text) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
sha512digest(const std::string &text) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
Sign(KeyType key_type, ENGINE *engine, const std::string &private_key, const std::string &message) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |
signCert(const std::string &cacert_path, const std::string &capkey_path, X509 *const certificate) (defined in Crypto) | Crypto | static |