| HttpFake (const boost::filesystem::path &test_dir_in, std::string flavor="", const boost::filesystem::path &meta_dir_in="") |
void | setCerts (const std::string &ca, CryptoSource ca_source, const std::string &cert, CryptoSource cert_source, const std::string &pkey, CryptoSource pkey_source) override |
bool | rewrite (std::string &url, const std::string &pattern) |
virtual HttpResponse | handle_event (const std::string &url, const Json::Value &data) |
HttpResponse | get (const std::string &url, int64_t maxsize) override |
HttpResponse | post (const std::string &url, const std::string &content_type, const std::string &data) override |
HttpResponse | post (const std::string &url, const Json::Value &data) override |
HttpResponse | put (const std::string &url, const std::string &content_type, const std::string &data) override |
HttpResponse | put (const std::string &url, const Json::Value &data) override |
std::future< HttpResponse > | downloadAsync (const std::string &url, curl_write_callback write_cb, curl_xferinfo_callback progress_cb, void *userp, curl_off_t from, CurlHandler *easyp) override |
HttpResponse | download (const std::string &url, curl_write_callback write_cb, curl_xferinfo_callback progress_cb, void *userp, curl_off_t from) override |
const std::string | tls_server = "https://tlsserver.com" |
Json::Value | last_manifest |
boost::filesystem::path | test_dir |
std::string | flavor_ |
boost::filesystem::path | meta_dir |
TemporaryDirectory | temp_meta_dir |
static constexpr int64_t | kNoLimit = 0 |
static constexpr int64_t | kPostRespLimit = 64 * 1024 |
static constexpr int64_t | kPutRespLimit = 64 * 1024 |
Definition at line 20 of file httpfake.h.
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