Both the SOTA server components and the SOTA client are available as docker containers, and can be run quickly with docker-compose. For more detailed instructions on running SOTA with docker, see Deployment with docker-compose.

This page contains instructions on getting a local development system up and running.

While we do our best to keep this page current, it may be a good idea to cross-reference the setup for docker-compose deployment if you’re having trouble getting it running locally. We use the publicly available docker-compose files in CI, so if anything changes, it will also get changed there.

Building rvi_sota_server Locally

For local development, the following prerequisites are required:

  1. Java 8

  2. MariaDB (with appropriate databases created)

  3. An RVI server node

The other dependencies are managed using Scala’s sbt. If you have sbt installed then use it, otherwise the ./sbt script in the root of the project will bootstrap everything you need beyond Java 8.

Prerequisite: Java

To check the version of java installed, run:

# java -version
java version "1.8.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)

Prerequisite: MariaDB

For development, a local MariaDB install is required. Create two databases called sota_core and sota_resolver:

mysql -u root -p
CREATE DATABASE sota_resolver_test CHARACTER SET utf8;
CREATE DATABASE sota_device_registry CHARACTER SET utf8;
CREATE DATABASE sota_device_registry_test CHARACTER SET utf8;
CREATE USER 'sota'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 's0ta';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sota_core . * TO 'sota'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sota_core_test . * TO 'sota'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sota_resolver . * TO 'sota'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sota_resolver_test . * TO 'sota'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sota_device_registry . * TO 'sota'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sota_device_registry_test . * TO 'sota'@'localhost';

To update the database schema, run sbt flywayMigrate

This will apply any new migrations in src/main/resources/db/migration, and keep your existing data. This command expects to find the databases on localhost with sota/s0ta for the username/password. The URL to the database and login details can be overridden with the CORE_DB_URL, CORE_DB_USER and CORE_DB_PASSWORD environment variables for the core, RESOLVER_DB_URL, RESOLVER_DB_USER, and RESOLVER_DB_PASSWORD for the external resolver, and DEVICE_REGISTRY_DB_URL, DEVICE_REGISTRY_DB_USER, and DEVICE_REGISTRY_DB_PASSWORD for the device registry. See project/SotaBuild.scala for the implementation.

If you are having trouble with flywayMigrate after an update, try sbt flywayRepair, then sbt flywayMigrate again. If that doesn’t work, you can delete all database tables with sbt flywayClean, and then re-create them with sbt flywayMigrate.

Optional component: RVI server node

Client-server communication can be done using the RVI protocol. If that functionality is desired, the SOTA Core Server will require an active RVI Server Node to run. The easiest way get an RVI node suitable for SOTA up and running is to use our docker images.

Building without an active RVI node

If you don’t need to worry about the client communication part of the server, you might not want to bother with setting up an RVI node. You can run without RVI by setting the CORE_INTERACTION_PROTOCOL environment variable to "none" before you run sota-core:

sbt sota-core/run

Running the server

Once flywayMigrate has run, open three consoles and run:

sbt sota-resolver/run
sbt sota-core/run
sbt sota-device_registry/run
sbt sota-webserver/run
The SOTA Core server looks for the RVI server node on localhost by default. If your RVI node is running somewhere else (e.g. if you’re running docker on a mac), you will need to specify RVI_URI as an environment variable. If your docker host was, for example, you would run RVI_URI="" sbt sota-core/run.
The version format of packages is configurable, defaulting to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, where MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH are unsigned integers. To change the format, specify a regular expression in the PACKAGES_VERSION_FORMAT environment variable.
The SOTA Web server connects to a LDAP server for login authentication, specified by the environment variables LDAP_HOST and LDAP_PORT. For testing, you can start an in-memory LDAP server by setting LDAP_INMEMORY_ENABLE=true. When running from the console the in-memory LDAP server is started by default, however the following paths need to be specified: LDAP_KEY_STORE_PATH=web-server/conf/certs/client.jks LDAP_TRUST_STORE_PATH=web-server/conf/certs/exampletrust.jks ./sbt sota-webserver/run.

Now open localhost:9000 in a browser.


If you are using an encrypted home directory, you may get the following error when attempting a build. This is because scala/sbt tends to create long file names, and these get expanded even further by ecryptfs.

[error] File name too long
[error] one error found
[error] (core/compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 9 s, completed Jul 24, 2015 9:10:13 AM

The solution is to point the build directories to somewhere outside ecryptfs:

sudo mkdir /var/sota-build
sudo chown `whoami` /var/sota-build/
mkdir /var/sota-build/core-target
mkdir /var/sota-build/resolver-target
mkdir /var/sota-build/webserver-target
rm -r core/target/
rm -r external-resolver/target
rm -r web-server/target
ln -s /var/sota-build/core-target/ core/target
ln -s /var/sota-build/resolver-target external-resolver/target
ln -s /var/sota-build/webserver-target/ web-server/target

Database Migrations

Never make changes to migrations that already exist. Add columns by creating a new migration with an 'ALTER TABLE' statement.

If someone else has added a migration, run sbt flywayMigrate to update your local database.

Database Migration Troubleshooting

flywayMigrate might fail with an error like this on some updates:

` [error] (core/*:flywayMigrate) org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Validate failed. Migration Checksum mismatch for migration 1 [error] → Applied to database : -2049361589 [error] → Resolved locally : 736866586 [error] Total time: 205 s, completed Nov 16, 2015 10:51:38 AM `

Try sbt flywayRepair, then sbt flywayMigrate again. If that doesn’t fix the problem, you can try sbt flywayClean, then sbt flywayMigrate, but note that sbt flywayClean will delete all database tables.

Building rvi_sota_client Locally